Thursday, 31 October 2013

TK 20

I know I've been (yet again) TERRIBLE with the blog updating but things have been fully sick here. And by 'fully sick' I mean literally sick. I have contracted some sort of terrible viral infection and been bed ridden for like, a week. Katehrine convinced me that it was mono, and so I've spent a large amount of time recently lounging about feeling crappy with the knowledge that I've got mono or glangular fever coming on. That has depressed me even more, because those viral infections can last months, and well, I've got big plans happening in the next few months. So I've spent a lot of time on but nothing yet is helping. 

Happier days
My mates have been great, except when Annie comes in, rips off my covers and tells me I haven't got mono and that I should just take some painkillers and then participate on whatever exciting thing we are to do that day. Le sigh. So lately I have been taking the napping thing to a new extreme, in the sense that I've been sleeping 60 out of the past 72 hours. It's been intense. Dead to the world, sleep all say, eat and then sleep all night kinda thing. I was super unwell and I've consequently had to miss exams and stuff, and I had to visit the doctor blah blah but luckily college has a free clinic. 

SO. I may be bed ridden atm, but here are some photos form my 20th birthday party a few weeks ago, that was a lot of fun! It was Toby Keith themed, and everyone made such an effort to dress up, buy me gifts and even a surprise cake on the night. I was really flattered by the number of people that turned up and it was fantastic to see a room full of friends that had gathered in celebration of my life. Of my 20 years of living. A decade on this planet. -People kept harping on about how I wasn't a teenager anymore and I had to start acting like an adult, but I pretended not to hear them.

Cheesecake Factory. Ate that entire cake. No shame.

The RA came and tried to shut the party down but my natural charm, witty personality and promise of leftover cake the next day convinced her to leave us be. A couple of us went out for pizza in the early hours of the morning, and we ran into some women on the street. They started saying that they loved our outfits, and that we looked fantastic, and that no one dresses like that on the East Coast. We then explained that we had previously been at a deliberately tacky Southern cowboy party, and we actually don't dress like rednecks for a fashionable Friday night out. They then told us that they were Rednecks form the South. And they were being serious about the outfits.


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