Thursday, 3 October 2013

K is for Kool

I have a new roommate. Katherine. She is kool. And she is everything I dreamed she would be. She's American, Bostonian, actually, we have heaps in common; we're studying the same major, have a lot of similar interests and just generally are people that can get along well together. Within 5 minutes of me meeting her, I knew we were bound to be friends. It's cute actually, I'm really happy. Not only do we get along great, but she's super easy going and well, I'm just generally chill all the time. She's so cute, she says things like 'wicked funky', or 'Caty, I'm wicked thirsty so imma go get a soda, do you want one?' and I just giggle. Oh, and she says 'Do you know what I mean?!' all the time. She so cute. I bring her home cupcakes from Newbury Street and she leaves me notes on the counter. She's really social and cool about having people over at our place. She likes me, and I heart her. It's awesome. A substantial upgrade from my last roommate. Sorry, but it's true. This is what our place looks like now. Katherine took down my old roommate's selfie pretty damn quick.


She's brought in candles and air freshener and vases and stuff, made it look more homey. We even have fridge magnets now, man. We had our first roommate bonding experience the other night, where we stayed up on our beds talking about our lives and deep and meaningful stuff till 2am, eating corn chips and guacamole. We were exhausted the next day, but it's made me realize that although I was happy to live by myself  and I was never lonely, - it's still nice to have someone to say good morning to, or someone in the next bed to you to give you advice on what to wear. I really really super duper like her, and it's fun. We have a lot of fun together. I've picked up her Bostonian accent APPARENTLY and APPARENTLY it's terrible and APPARENTLY people at home can hear it on Skype. All accusations I say. 

In other news, we went to the CHEESECAKE FACTORY!!! So much fun! It's way more fancier than they portray it on the Big Bang Theory, but I dig the outfits, and well, our waiter looked like a 70's porn star, so the experience was that much more memorable. I had to resist ordering Sheldon's Barbeque Bacon Cheeseburger, with the barbeque, bacon and cheese on the side.

 We had cheesecake and it was mouth watering. But when I'm not eating at the Cheesecake Factory, I'm replacing Weetbix with Pop Tarts for breakfast, mainly because their logo is; 'A crazy good part of breakfast' and I drink my pan-fried tea from red cups, partying all week long. And if it's not tea, it's juice. You know that they have 'quarts' of juice here, which is - 946 ml of OJ. It puzzles me as to why you wouldn't just make it a liter, but ok. 

French study buddy, courtesy of Pierre. 

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