Friday 1 November 2013

Pumpkin Palooza

NEU had a Halloween Pumpkin picking day, in which we all went and picked pumpkins, drank cider, ate an enormous amount of pumpkin pie, watched a pie-eating contest (eeek!) and carved pumpkins. There were also sack races, face painting (I absolutely jumped on board for the face painting), free photo booths and many cakes featuring an interesting array of nutmeg and cinnamon spices. The sun came out and we gave this pumpkin carving business our best shot. It was hard work. It took hours. It looked so daunting, especially carving out a big one, that after about 10 minutes of watching everyone else slave away at theirs, I decided that a) I was too lazy to do it, b) I would much rather eat pumpkin pie and WATCH everyone else do it and c) I could coincidentally find a paint set and PAINT my pumpkin instead. 

Okay, so maybe I chose the easy way out of our 'Merican-pumpkin-carving-experience, but me being me, I picked the BIGGEST pumpkin I could find, and seriously guys, there was just no way I was going to spend two hours carving it. Jut simply no way. I mean, come on. Especially when there was pumpkin pie around to be consumed. Let's just say my pumpkin wasn't the only thing that needed to be rolled home.

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