Howdy 'yall. Anyone who knows me well has probably registered that I've been saying that a fair bit recently. Trying to I'll fit in. The phrase has leached into my social life; I now say it greeting friends, leaving notes for my roommate, ordering a beer at a bar, and blogging, apparently. I've even started saying it at work, coincidentally starting an in-office revelation as it's now the assumed response when answering our internal phone extensions.
I've also taken to watching copious amounts of Boston Legal, because it's set in Boston and much to everyone's annoyance I never fail to remind people of that fact whilst watching the show. See? I've done it again. But seriously, I'm a tad obsessed. I went so far as to actually wrongfully take (aka steal) a stack of DVDs from the house I was staying in without the owner knowing...'by accident'. I'll return them later...after I've seen all the Boston Legal I can. I need to be prepared for when I meet Denny Crane.
Anywho, I've compiled a list of stereotypes that I am determined to prove to be true or false, and end the stigmas that denote American as [ ENTER STEREOTYPE ].
In psychology we are taught that stereotypes are cognitive shortcuts, they exist as an assumption that, over countless experiences, have proved to be true for most people. Simply, they exist because our brain is lazy, and having them pre-wired means we get to think less (yay). So;
- Eat a lot of Twinkies, Tootsie Rolls and fast food
- Are all pro-capitalism
- Are fanatically patriotic...have a habit of shouting "Yeah!" and fist pumping if someone mentions 'Merica
- People in LA are notoriously G.L.A.M.O.R.O.U.S...(and yes I did rely on Fergie to correctly spell it)
- Southerners are as ignorant as the straw they chew on
- Are all super friendly and have a habit of befriending out-of-towners
- Are somewhat aloof about world matters outside their country
- Hate Canada and want complete disassociation with the country and all who occupy it
...I.N 'M.E.R.I.C.A...
- You have a high chance of being mugged, stabbed or shot
- Everyone has a gun (see above)
- Everything is BIGGER, BETTER and SHINIER
- The Big Apple really never sleeps
- All you do is play beer pong and do keg stands at college parties
- 50's highway diners do exist. And the waitresses wear roller blades.
And be assured I won't forget to spread the word about Aussies too;
- Live in the Outback
- Ride kangaroos
- Wear singlets, bikinis, thongs and hats with dangling corks. EVERYDAY.
- Americans carry guns? We carry boomerangs.
...I.N 'S.T.R.A.Y.A...
- English is not our national language
- The girls are all called Sheilas
- Crocodile-wrestling is a sport
- G'day mate = completely acceptable greeting in high class society
And finally, I leave you with this;
"The cool thing about being famous is travelling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff."
- Britney Spears
...Oops, she did it again.
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