My dorm isn't too bad, but the heat still accumulates. Maybe it's because these buildings are built for the unimaginable temperatures that Boston gets down to in winter, meaning that they capture and retain any amount of heat that finds its way in. But I can't complain too much, because my roommate has a fan (luxury!) and I kind of scab some cool air flow of that from time to time, conveniently adjusting my work space accordingly to where she put it. Hey, actually, yes - great news, I've formally kind of, met my roommate. Yay! She is terribly quiet though, so we usually exist in mutual, I try to chat to her and make conversation about stuff but she's either not interested or pretends not to hear me. Hmm. I know you're probably thinking that she sounds horrible to live with and rude, but she's actually great and I like her a lot. I think the longest conversation we've had is me asking if I can turn off the light, including issues that proceed from such a request. But the thing is, I've come to look at it as actually the ideal situation. For one, there's never a lack of people around, and I'm always in other people's rooms, or they're here, ect. So when I come home at the end of the day, it's actually sort of nice to co-exist in a space with someone of whom you don't interact with. It's not malicious or rude, it's just sort of become how we operate. It's peaceful. She does her thing and I do's a great environment to actually study in and get things done, because she doesn't bother me or always want to chat. And I far rather have a
roommate who is so quiet and discreet about everything she does she could literally blend into the furniture, than someone who is really SUPER chatty and outgoing and always wants to hang out blah blah. I mean, someone like that could get on my nerves. But I think Jasmine is incapable of being annoying. NOT EVEN KIDDING. She's fantastic, she takes out the trash and is super neat and tidy, she brings stuff into our place like necessary pots and pans, and even if I annoy her (which I'm fair certain I do) there is absolutely ZERO chance that she'd ever say anything about it. There's never any bathroom disputes, and she puts up with me spreading my crap all over our apartment, if I have people over she'll sit at her desk and act like they don't exist. And she's cute. She's put 1D posters up all over her wall, and calenders and stuff, and she likes reading T-Swifty autobiographies in her spare time. She's cool. I like her a lot. Don't know if she likes me. But I honestly am a fan of her.
I JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT my criminology professor looks like Buddy Pine - he talks the same, he walks the same and he has a habit of walking amongst the students and waving his hands around really enthusiastically and kind of 'gettin up in yo grill' if he asks you a question or wants your opinion. And I think it's hilarious. Again, I wonder if anyone else sees it, but I'm a bit hesitant to ask my peers. Do you see it?! His hair is longer and more gelled up now...but please tell me that you see it..?
Anywho, this brings me to my next matter of discussion - woman's studies. I'm taking a Sex, Gender and Pop Culture course which yes, if you're wondering, does render the same amount of scoffs and chuckles as it does amongst people at home. Pierre and I are taking it, and so far, so good. The professor is a super nazi-feminsist, she actually frightens people. She has openly said that she's an angry, bitter old woman who hates misogyny and is angry at the world and what it's come to.
She also hates on our male population a little too enthusiastically, calling them a variety of colourful names, with plenty of profanities. So far I haven't actually heard her call a man a 'man' it's always 'misogynistic pig' or 'sexist bastard'. She's great, but full on. She hates technology and believes it is to blame for society's downfall. Hence no laptops or ipads of any description are allowed in class, or she'll kick you out. That seems to be the norm for most of my classes actually, they don't allow laptops or phones or anything, and if you're caught using them it's pretty much game over. I am surprised at the difference in approach to academic life here, parents are forking out thousands of dollars to give their kids an prestigious East Coast college education, so people approach it really seriously. Participation and attendance count towards your grade. If you miss more than 2 classes without a medical certificate you fail. I have an extensive amount of homework for each class, and papers or exams throughout the entire semester contributing towards my grades. Sigh.
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But you know, school is school and I'm enjoying it. We almost got busted by the police the other day, trying to cart a box of beer up into our dorm rooms, because APPARENTLY there's restrictions on that kind of stuff as well, and get this, security has the right to enter your apartment for 'security and safety' checks whenever they want if you're there or not. Apparently our dorms have all been checked for illicit kitchen items (god forbid)and fire hazards and the sort. But you know, when the day is over, kids relax and we all run a muck and pray that our RA's don't catch a whiff of what we're up to.
Anyway, gotta head off to my feminist class, so I can feel empowered as a strong independent woman of the 21st century, and leave with the ideological notion that I won't ever shave my legs or wear makeup again (always good in theory, but hopeless in practice 2 hours later).
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