Friday, 13 September 2013

Piccolo Italia

One thing that seems to be somewhat of a trend at American universities is that a lot, I mean, A LOT, of kids scoot around campus on their skateboards. I have nearly been the victim of several skateboard-related catastrophes, tripping over the curb to dodge someone whizzing past, only for me to glance up and see the back of his snapback cap disappearing into a crowd of dispersing students. I don't know why that's relevant,but I told you anyway.

Thursday evening couldn't come quick enough, and after I spent the WHOLE DAY studying and reading and doing homework, a 7pm dinner date with the girls was warmly welcomed. 

We headed downtown to little Italy, where cigars were smoked on every street corners, you could buy freshly made gelato and Italian pastries and the aromas of authentic pizza and pasta make your mouth water. The Italian district is beautiful. Ahh Boston, how we love you. 

We're catching a flight early to Chicago, Illinois tomorrow morning for the weekend. you know...because we're heading to Chicago for the weekend...just because we can.

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