Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Not moosing out on much

I'm not missing home just yet. I think it has something to do with being in a totally new world; a new place, new people, new atmosphere. Me and the girls are getting on really well, and I think because I've established such solid friendships early on in my trip, it doesn't feel like there's any time to think about what I'm missing at home. Also, Annie Darling and I have been sharing a bed for the last couple of nights and she has taken to cuddling up to, and Bridge likes a good old spoon too. It's comforting.

When I travelled in Europe, the trio of us decided to go to Disneyland. For the entire month prior to the day at Disneyland, I could be found to be fantasising about the rides, or heard whining softly in a tranquil slumber "Disneylanndd..." during my sleep. The people that endured my company abroad will understand.. Also, on the morning of our Disneyland adventure, we got up at the crack of dawn to get transport out there,  we were super organised, had planned it all out, pre-booked tickets, packed our bags and slept in our clothes so we could be at the gate, spot on at 9.00 or whenever it opened. Amongst all the planning, we were on track and at the tram station, huddled on the tram in peak hour traffic, and the tram broke down. There wasn't a person on a tram that didn't hear my shrill "Disneylanndd" wail as I sunk to the floor in a state of despair. It was much the same with Moose Brooks. Somehow, somewhere along the line (I think I saw it advertised at another attraction), I had it in my head that Moose Brooks, NH, was the most amazing and heavenly place in Franconia and we absolutely had to go. I whinged about desperately wanting to see "Moooose Brooookkss" for three days before they (Bridge, Annie and Maria) gave in and said we could go, but only on one condition; I had to behave myself and not be naughty in the car. They sat me in the back seat so I would be less of a distracteion for the driver and I was forbidden to utter the words "Moooose Brooookkss" for the entire hour we were in the car. So at the gas station I stocked up on good 'ol  'Merican candy, to keep myself entertained, because if I broke the rules regarding the trip to Moose Brooks Bridget said she would turn he car around and I wouldn't get to go. The woman knows how to threaten someone. But on the flip side, I had candy, so I was happy. Period.

We listened to '92.3 - Moose FM' (country southern music, rock on) as we drove once again through the mountains to get to Moose Brooks. In the backseat I ate numerous piece of gum just to get to the free little tattoos they wrap them up in, and engaged in a DIY tattoo frenzy, but unfortunately the pictures of little forest friends didn't turn out so well. Coincidentally I ended up with an arm full of greeny-blue smudges, and it looked as if I had a mildly infectious disease.
That's me looking deliberately a moose...just so you know. DELIBERATELY DOPEY.

Toby loves Moose Brooks

All hail Moose Brooks

Moosing around
The bottom line - Moose Brooks was amazing, but maybe not as flash as I had made it out to be. It's was the 'Merican Labour Day, so not a lot happening, but mainly people camping, fishing, hiking, boating and swimming up and around the area. We had a really great time, and were hanging out to see a moose.

I love this one because I have a hair moustache.

I must say, I felt strangely at peace with nature, there's a certain sense of tranquillity derived from being naked in the woods, knowing that no one else, except perhaps a moose, is around. Before you get the wrong idea, I simply mean getting dressed and undressed in heavily wooded areas, not prancing about indecently. Annie Darling and I were brave enough to swim in the Brooks of Moose, it was terribly cold, but the water so fresh and clear...
how could you not really.

Moosing around some more.

As our last night at Franconia Inn, we spent the evening chatting to our hosts and finding out their life turns out that Jan and Jim, happily married since college, met because she picked him up as a hitchhiker. If that's not cute and tremendously relevant, then I don't know what is.
The only downside to the day was that we didn't get to see a moose. We could have jumped on a tour bus at dusk and paid 30 odd bucks to do so, but it would have seemed less authentic.
 cheers to no moose, an armful of mysterious blue bruises, having a wee in the bush and learning that insistent whinging always gets you what you want.

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