Monday 9 September 2013

Last Friday Night

Last Friday night...what to say was our first real-authentic 'Merican College Party...WITH RED CUPS PEOPLE. To say we were excited would have been an understatement. After a hard week at school (lol jks wut) Friday couldn't come quick enough. Me, Bridge, Annie, Sage, Zac and Kate went out for dinner, and then picked up our party necessities  our dancing  shoes and headed to Jeppe's place downtown. 'Twas a fairly jolly night.

We ended up all crashing at Jeppe's, and did the walk of shame to IHOP the next morning for a Saturday breakfast. Unfortunately for us it seemed to be "every-family-in-the-tri-state-area-go-out-for-breakfast-day" at 10am on a Saturday morning. We got a lot of judgment - being hungover college kids who wandered in wearing clothes obviously from the night before. And I wasn't even wearing shoes.

Zac drove us back to town, and we made our way back to our apartments to sleep the rest of the day. #collegelyf

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