Friday 20 December 2013

Double double toil and trouble

Let me just say that BECAUSE WE ARE BEST FRIENDS we are taking a wanky-trip-selfie EVERY DAY of the trip, and I will proceed to post them at the beginning of each post. I know you guys are probably all le-sighing and sick of our faces, but that is life, we are doing it, we will probably regret it in years to come, and we will probably drop out halfway through the trip. So relax. And enjoy the long list that is to follow.

Katherine moved out and Dice moved in 24 hours ago.The place has gone from being OCD-squeaky clean living with Katherine, to a total dump, just like when I lived with Dice in Melbourne. It's terrible. But also sort of amazazing - it sort of feels like home now. The trash is overflowing, there is basically a mix of all our luggage all over every surface and covering the floor. We've lost countless things in the mess so far already, but we just get each other and how we live, and can co-exist in mutual understanding and not-caring-ness. It's fab. I've been dishing up green veggies for breakfast though, but Dice doesn't seem to mind too much which is nice. 

It was awesome to wake up with Dice on the floor next to me again, it's nice to see her pull out her familiar clothes from her pack, her humour and her presence. Okay, I'll do my best to settle down on the romantic poetry about Dice. But seriously.

We headed to the old historic town of Salem, known most commonly for the Salem Witch trials in the 1600s. As you can imagine, it's basically half an hour out of Boston, a quaint little historic town with a small population, that was basically shut up for the winter. Like a ghost town, literally. But Dice and I had plenty to catch up on as we explored all the historic landmarks, learning cautionary tales of the dangers of isolationism, religious extremism, false accusations and lapses in American due process.

Cute little Salem bookshop

Salem at lunchtime - empty.

It's a felony to be in the cemetery after sunset #Massachusettslaw

It was a very spooky, little place, with nooks and crannies all over the place, hidden stairwells and perculiar strangers that scrambled quickly past you. 19 'witches' were hanged and one pressed to death. I don't mean to make it sound like an Enid Blighton novel, but for real. The palce was full of quirky little bookshops, gift stores and proclaimed withces that could heal you, sell you potions or perform spells for basically anything you want.

Dice and I had for some time wanted to get our futures read, and we did. So. Mum and Dad expect at least 3 possibly 4 grand kids, I'm going to have a VERY successful career (she emphasized successful, I didn't) and I'll be forever on the road and changing residences internationally. I'm also going to live for a long time (yay) and meet my soul mate in Feb/March, so I'll keep a look out for that.

Salem fresh farmers market - stocked up on some wholesome goodness.

 That night was the last Thirsty Thursday at 337, so we partied in true college fashion. The last day before people started leaving. Dice met all my college mates and we had a huge last party hoo-ha. 

Did I mention that within Dice only being in the country for 3 hours I had already taken her to BHOP yesterday? The guys there now know my life story, and told Dice all about me and my love of that place, whilst I tried to make the ground swallow me up. BHOP - a place that will be truly missed. 

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