Friday, 27 December 2013

Today was a fairytale.

No I didn't steal that title from a T swift song. 

That's a lie. Of course I did. She's magnificent.

Moving on. Sauce(Caty) decided it would be a fantastic idea for me (sj) to write a day of her blog. She thought it would be cool. I think its because she's 4 days behind her blog writing and this was a simple way for her to make up some time. Regardless, I'm pretty chuffed to share my day with you. 

Arizona; you rock. 

 There aren't many places that win my heart over. I enjoy traveling, but I'm often put off by crowded streets, long queues, hot weather or homeless men yelling at us whilst I try to make Sauce cycle away fast. (See; downtown Houston, Texas. Or don't. It's a bit of a hole.) 

The last time I was truly sad to leave somewhere was a small town called Murchison on the south island of New Zealand. However a tiny ounce of those feelings came back saying 'catch ya later' to the countryside of Arizona. More specifically, the Grand Canyon! 

Our day started at the delightful hour of 4:30am.
Actually, that's a lie too. We slept in til 5am by which point we were meant to meet the 2 Japanese backpackers from the hostel who were keen to join us for our road trip. 


 We loaded up the minx-mobile, and headed on our way. 

Our.. trusty driver.
We drove and drove and eventually the sun started rising and the true beauty of Arizona started coming out. Everywhere you looked there was another colour, another rock or scene that looked like a postcard. 

and we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away #tswiftlyrics

The drive was so open, so flat, and so delightfully snowy. 

We listened to "cold country" radio station and sang along to all the Taylor Swift songs, and by the end of the day we were singing along to country songs with titles such as "Redneck Crazy." 

I think we frightened our Japanese pals. 



stumbled on to this road!

Grand Canyon. There's a reason this place is one of the seven wonders of the world. It's the sort of place where photos do it no justice. You can sit and look at it for the whole day, and the more you look and see, the more intricate it becomes. 

We took a stroll around the Southern rim, climbed down to get a better view and found a spot to sit, eat lunch and take in the pure beauty surrounding us.

Fun fact: Grand Canyon is deeper than 3 of the empire state buildings stacked on top of each other.

Two girls overheard our accents and asked where we were from. After casually saying Australia, the one girl turned to good and responded gleefully "OMG I AM OBSESSED WITH AUSTRALIA!!!!" 
Rock on. 



We took a drive around to some other lookout points and saw the Colorado river. 

We also took this opportunity to find a nifty little cliff to re-enact Titanic. (yes, again. I know.) 

In New York we visited the natural history museum where Sauce attempted to drag me through the geology section. I made a big deal and told her how boring rocks were until we finally left to go find the bears. 
My hatred towards geology.
I love bears. 

However, I might owe her a slight apology. I guess rocks proved to be reasonably fascinating today. I still skipped the rock museum at Grand Canyon. 

One of my favourites.

Today was one of those days that proves that it doesn't really matter where you are, or where you're going - if you're with the right company any sort of trip can be incredible. Obviously Grand Canyon was fantastic, but it's not just the tourist icons that make traveling memorable. 

It's the little things (no. I'm not quoting 1D) like Sauce and I singing along to redneck crazy, re-enacting titanic, me pointing left and yelling "turn right" (which led to a 5 minute discussion on how if I can't tell my rights and lefts apart, I'm not allowed to navigate) and me attempting to drive in America. It's these things that will make me say I had the best day (#tswiftlyrics) at Grand Canyon. Without these memories, Grand Canyon would just be a super pretty wonder of the world I once visited. But instead it was 8 hours of driving, singing, playing car games and hanging out with the dweeb i call my soul mate, that will always make me remember Grand Canyon as a fairytale sort of day. 

Catch ya later kids, 

Dice x 

It was a battle to get to be the girls face.

Sauces camera batteries died. #bloggersproblems

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