Saturday 11 January 2014

Star gazing


We are pictured above, selfie of the day with Whitney, aka House Theme Song singer.

What would Hollywood be without the stars? This was more fun that we thought it would be. Not only do we get to be those wanky people that actually visit Madame Tussauds in Hollywood, but we get to laugh at all the other wanky people that are slightly more wanky than us. Example, people that visit the museum ALONE and take SELFIES with all the stars, or funny older couples who take pictures of each other posing seductively with the young, attractive stars of the opposite sex, whilst their marital partner eggs them on and shouts out suggestions for new poses from the other side of the room. Fair call, in Madame Tussauds I don't really think I have the liberty of calling others wanky, considering we probably did both those things mentioned above. On behalf of both of us; we could spare your judgement.

Shoutout to Euroclan of 2012; her hair and hair root cells were all I had hoped they would be closer up.

Striking a pose, don't even care

Dice's car is called Betty White

Shoutout Pierre; it's Lorelei from Gentleman Prefer Blondes! "Hollywood is where they'll pay one thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul." ~Marilyn

No. Just no.

Shooting a web


Hollywood Boulevard;
~A place where you can have photos with Marilyn Monroe, Shrek, the Minions, Obama, and anyone else that's out and about that day
~A place where you can have photos with five different Elmos at once
~A place where you will see Spiderman, Batman and Robin sitting there, smoking with their masks off, costumes still on, gossiping about the mornings takings
~A place where you'll see someone in a homemade Buzz Lighter costume be shooed off the Boulevard in shame as a more flashy Buzz steps on the block
~A place where Elvis had a bad day, and was sitting with his head in his hands, until Shrek and Fiona rushed over to console him

Johnny Rockets - they actually have duke boxes for a nickel at your table. There is a great deal about America that is deeply appealing. There are the obvious things that everyone always remarks on; the ease and convenience of life (remember though, convenience starts with con), the friendliness of the people, the enormous portion size, and the enchantment experienced when people urge you to have a nice day. The American attitude of life, I have come to realize, seems to be remarkably upbeat. And Hollywood thrives on it.

Hollywood in the back 'yall

“Los Angeles was the kind of place where everybody was from somewhere else and nobody really droppped anchor. It was a transient place. People drawn by the dream, people running from the nightmare. Twelve million people and all of them ready to make a break for it if necessary. Figuratively, literally, metaphorically -  any way you want to look at it - everbody in L.A. keeps a bag packed. Just in case.”
~Michael Connelly, The Brass Verdict  

Our classic, take-up-the-whole-room move

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